Arduino Coding
This example code uses a MegaMoto Plus and an Arduino Uno to monitor the current of a linear actuator.
/* Code to monitor the current amp draw of the actuator, and to cut power if it rises above a certain amount. Written by Progressive Automations August 19th, 2015 Hardware: - RobotPower MegaMoto control boards - Arduino Uno - 2 pushbuttons */ const int EnablePin = 8; const int PWMPinA = 11; const int PWMPinB = 3; // pins for Megamoto const int buttonLeft = 4; const int buttonRight = 5;//buttons to move the motor const int CPin1 = A5; // motor feedback int leftlatch = LOW; int rightlatch = LOW;//motor latches (used for code logic) int hitLimits = 0;//start at 0 int hitLimitsmax = 10;//values to know if travel limits were reached long lastfeedbacktime = 0; // must be long, else it overflows int firstfeedbacktimedelay = 750; //first delay to ignore current spike int feedbacktimedelay = 50; //delay between feedback cycles, how often you want the motor to be checked long currentTimefeedback = 0; // must be long, else it overflows int debounceTime = 300; //amount to debounce buttons, lower values makes the buttons more sensitive long lastButtonpress = 0; // timer for debouncing long currentTimedebounce = 0; int CRaw = 0; // input value for current readings int maxAmps = 0; // trip limit bool dontExtend = false; bool firstRun = true; bool fullyRetracted = false;//program logic void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(EnablePin, OUTPUT); pinMode(PWMPinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(PWMPinB, OUTPUT);//Set motor outputs pinMode(buttonLeft, INPUT); pinMode(buttonRight, INPUT);//buttons digitalWrite(buttonLeft, HIGH); digitalWrite(buttonRight, HIGH);//enable internal pullups pinMode(CPin1, INPUT);//set feedback input currentTimedebounce = millis(); currentTimefeedback = 0;//Set initial times maxAmps = 15;// SET MAX CURRENT HERE }//end setup void loop() { latchButtons();//check buttons, see if we need to move moveMotor();//check latches, move motor in or out }//end main loop void latchButtons() { if (digitalRead(buttonLeft)==LOW)//left is forwards { currentTimedebounce = millis() - lastButtonpress;// check time since last press if (currentTimedebounce > debounceTime && dontExtend == false)//once you've tripped dontExtend, ignore all forwards presses { leftlatch = !leftlatch;// if motor is moving, stop, if stopped, start moving firstRun = true;// set firstRun flag to ignore current spike fullyRetracted = false; // once you move forwards, you are not fully retracted lastButtonpress = millis();//store time of last button press return; }//end if }//end btnLEFT if (digitalRead(buttonRight)==LOW)//right is backwards { currentTimedebounce = millis() - lastButtonpress;// check time since last press if (currentTimedebounce > debounceTime) { rightlatch = !rightlatch;// if motor is moving, stop, if stopped, start moving firstRun = true;// set firstRun flag to ignore current spike lastButtonpress = millis();//store time of last button press return; }//end if }//end btnRIGHT }//end latchButtons void moveMotor() { if (leftlatch == HIGH) motorForward(255); //speed = 0-255 if (leftlatch == LOW) motorStop(); if (rightlatch == HIGH) motorBack(255); //speed = 0-255 if (rightlatch == LOW) motorStop(); }//end moveMotor void motorForward(int speeed) { while (dontExtend == false && leftlatch == HIGH) { digitalWrite(EnablePin, HIGH); analogWrite(PWMPinA, speeed); analogWrite(PWMPinB, 0);//move motor if (firstRun == true) delay(firstfeedbacktimedelay); // bigger delay to ignore current spike else delay(feedbacktimedelay); //small delay to get to speed getFeedback(); firstRun = false; latchButtons();//check buttons again }//end while }//end motorForward void motorBack (int speeed) { while (rightlatch == HIGH) { digitalWrite(EnablePin, HIGH); analogWrite(PWMPinA, 0); analogWrite(PWMPinB, speeed);//move motor if (firstRun == true) delay(firstfeedbacktimedelay);// bigger delay to ignore current spike else delay(feedbacktimedelay); //small delay to get to speed getFeedback(); firstRun = false; latchButtons();//check buttons again }//end while dontExtend = false;//allow motor to extend again, after it has been retracted }//end motorBack void motorStop() { analogWrite(PWMPinA, 0); analogWrite(PWMPinB, 0); digitalWrite(EnablePin, LOW); firstRun = true;//once the motor has stopped, reenable firstRun to account for startup current spikes }//end stopMotor void getFeedback() { CRaw = analogRead(CPin1); // Read current if (CRaw == 0 && hitLimits < hitLimitsmax) hitLimits = hitLimits + 1; else hitLimits = 0; // check to see if the motor is at the limits and the current has stopped if (hitLimits == hitLimitsmax && rightlatch == HIGH) { rightlatch = LOW; // stop motor fullyRetracted = true; }//end if else if (hitLimits == hitLimitsmax && leftlatch == HIGH) { leftlatch = LOW;//stop motor hitLimits = 0; }//end if if (CRaw > maxAmps) { dontExtend = true; leftlatch = LOW; //stop if feedback is over maximum }//end if lastfeedbacktime = millis();//store previous time for receiving feedback }//end getFeedback
This example code shows how to control up to 4 of our linear actuators with the LC-82 MultiMoto Arduino Shield and the LC-066. Due to the current limitations on each channel of the MultiMoto, this code is only meant for use with our PA-14, PA-14P, and PA-11 actuator models.
/* Example code to control up to 4 actuators,using the Robot Power MultiMoto driver. Hardware: - Robot Power MultiMoto - Arduino Uno Wiring: - Connect actuators to the M1, M2, M3, M4 connections on the MultiMoto board. - Connect the negative (black) to the right connection, positive (red) to the left. - Connect a 12 volt source (minimum 1A per motor if unloaded, 8A per motor if fully loaded)to the BAT terminals. Ensure that positive and negative are placed in the correct spots. Code modified by Progressive Automations from the example code provided by Robot Power <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Robot Power MultiMoto v1.0 demo This software is released into the Public Domain */ // include the SPI library: #include <SPI.h> // L9958 slave select pins for SPI #define SS_M4 14 #define SS_M3 13 #define SS_M2 12 #define SS_M1 11 // L9958 DIRection pins #define DIR_M1 2 #define DIR_M2 3 #define DIR_M3 4 #define DIR_M4 7 // L9958 PWM pins #define PWM_M1 9 #define PWM_M2 10 // Timer1 #define PWM_M3 5 #define PWM_M4 6 // Timer0 // L9958 Enable for all 4 motors #define ENABLE_MOTORS 8 int pwm1, pwm2, pwm3, pwm4; boolean dir1, dir2, dir3, dir4; void setup() { unsigned int configWord; // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(SS_M1, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SS_M1, LOW); // HIGH = not selected pinMode(SS_M2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SS_M2, LOW); pinMode(SS_M3, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SS_M3, LOW); pinMode(SS_M4, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SS_M4, LOW); // L9958 DIRection pins pinMode(DIR_M1, OUTPUT); pinMode(DIR_M2, OUTPUT); pinMode(DIR_M3, OUTPUT); pinMode(DIR_M4, OUTPUT); // L9958 PWM pins pinMode(PWM_M1, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PWM_M1, LOW); pinMode(PWM_M2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PWM_M2, LOW); // Timer1 pinMode(PWM_M3, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PWM_M3, LOW); pinMode(PWM_M4, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PWM_M4, LOW); // Timer0 // L9958 Enable for all 4 motors pinMode(ENABLE_MOTORS, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ENABLE_MOTORS, HIGH); // HIGH = disabled / /******* Set up L9958 chips ********* ' L9958 Config Register ' Bit '0 - RES '1 - DR - reset '2 - CL_1 - curr limit '3 - CL_2 - curr_limit '4 - RES '5 - RES '6 - RES '7 - RES '8 - VSR - voltage slew rate (1 enables slew limit, 0 disables) '9 - ISR - current slew rate (1 enables slew limit, 0 disables) '10 - ISR_DIS - current slew disable '11 - OL_ON - open load enable '12 - RES '13 - RES '14 - 0 - always zero '15 - 0 - always zero */ // set to max current limit and disable ISR slew limiting configWord = 0b0000010000001100; SPI.begin(); SPI.setBitOrder(LSBFIRST); SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); // clock pol = low, phase = high // Motor 1 digitalWrite(SS_M1, LOW); SPI.transfer(lowByte(configWord)); SPI.transfer(highByte(configWord)); digitalWrite(SS_M1, HIGH); // Motor 2 digitalWrite(SS_M2, LOW); SPI.transfer(lowByte(configWord)); SPI.transfer(highByte(configWord)); digitalWrite(SS_M2, HIGH); // Motor 3 digitalWrite(SS_M3, LOW); SPI.transfer(lowByte(configWord)); SPI.transfer(highByte(configWord)); digitalWrite(SS_M3, HIGH); // Motor 4 digitalWrite(SS_M4, LOW); SPI.transfer(lowByte(configWord)); SPI.transfer(highByte(configWord)); digitalWrite(SS_M4, HIGH); //Set initial actuator settings to pull at 0 speed for safety dir1 = 0; dir2 = 0; dir3 = 0; dir4 = 0; // Set direction pwm1 = 0; pwm2 = 0; pwm3 = 0; pwm4 = 0; // Set speed (0-255) digitalWrite(ENABLE_MOTORS, LOW);// LOW = enabled } // End setup void loop() { dir1 = 1; pwm1 = 255; //set direction and speed digitalWrite(DIR_M1, dir1); analogWrite(PWM_M1, pwm1); // write to pins dir2 = 0; pwm2 = 128; digitalWrite(DIR_M2, dir2); analogWrite(PWM_M2, pwm2); dir3 = 1; pwm3 = 255; digitalWrite(DIR_M3, dir3); analogWrite(PWM_M3, pwm3); dir4 = 0; pwm4 = 128; digitalWrite(DIR_M4, dir4); analogWrite(PWM_M4, pwm4); delay(5000); // wait once all four motors are set dir1 = 0; pwm1 = 128; digitalWrite(DIR_M1, dir1); analogWrite(PWM_M1, pwm1); dir2 = 1; pwm2 = 255; digitalWrite(DIR_M2, dir2); analogWrite(PWM_M2, pwm2); dir3 = 0; pwm3 = 128; digitalWrite(DIR_M3, dir3); analogWrite(PWM_M3, pwm3); dir4 = 1; pwm4 = 255; digitalWrite(DIR_M4, dir4); analogWrite(PWM_M4, pwm4); delay(5000); }//end void loop
This example code is for combining our LC-85 Wasp with our LC-066 to control the motion of a linear actuator.
/*Sample code for the Robot Power Wasp. This ESC is controlled using RC signals, with pulses ranging from 1000 - 2000 microseconds. The main loop of this program holds the actuator still for 1 second, extends for 2 seconds, stops for 1 second, retracts for 2 seconds, and repeats. Modified by Progressive Automations, using the original example code "Sweep" from the Arduino example libraries. Hardware: - 1 Wasp Controller - Arduino Uno Wiring: Control side: - Connect the red/black to +5v and GND - Connect the yellow wire to your signal pin on the Arduino (in this example, pin 9) Power Side: - Connect the +/- of the motors power supply to the +/- connections on the Wasp - Connect the +/- of the actuator to the remaining two connections This example code is in the public domain. */ #include <servo.h> Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo // twelve servo objects can be created on most boards int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position void setup() { myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object } void loop() { myservo.writeMicroseconds(1500); // stop signal delay(1000); //1 second myservo.writeMicroseconds(2000); // full speed forwards signal delay(2000); //2 seconds myservo.writeMicroseconds(1500); // stop signal delay(1000); // 1 second myservo.writeMicroseconds(1000); // full speed reverse signal delay(2000); //2 seconds }
This example code utilizes our relays and our LC-066 to control a linear actuator. You can read our full blog post for more detail.
const int forwards = 7; const int backwards = 6;//assign relay INx pin to arduino pin void setup() { pinMode(forwards, OUTPUT);//set relay as an output pinMode(backwards, OUTPUT);//set relay as an output } void loop() { digitalWrite(forwards, LOW); digitalWrite(backwards, HIGH);//Activate the relay one direction, they must be different to move the motor delay(2000); // wait 2 seconds digitalWrite(forwards, HIGH); digitalWrite(backwards, HIGH);//Deactivate both relays to brake the motor delay(2000);// wait 2 seconds digitalWrite(forwards, HIGH); digitalWrite(backwards, LOW);//Activate the relay the other direction, they must be different to move the motor delay(2000);// wait 2 seconds digitalWrite(forwards, HIGH); digitalWrite(backwards, HIGH);//Deactivate both relays to brake the motor delay(2000);// wait 2 seconds }
This example code uses our LC-80, LC-066, any linear actuator and a power source. You can get more detail on the code and what it does in our blog post.
//Use the jumpers on the board to select which pins will be used int EnablePin1 = 13; int PWMPinA1 = 11; int PWMPinB1 = 3; int extendtime = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds, times 1000 to convert to milliseconds int retracttime = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds, times 1000 to convert to milliseconds int timetorun = 300 * 1000; // 300 seconds, times 1000 to convert to milliseconds int duty; int elapsedTime; boolean keepMoving; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(EnablePin1, OUTPUT);//Enable the board pinMode(PWMPinA1, OUTPUT); pinMode(PWMPinB1, OUTPUT);//Set motor outputs elapsedTime = 0; // Set time to 0 keepMoving = true; //The system will move }//end setup void loop() { if (keepMoving) { digitalWrite(EnablePin1, HIGH); // enable the motor pushActuator(); delay(extendtime); stopActuator(); delay(10);//small delay before retracting pullActuator(); delay(retracttime); stopActuator(); elapsedTime = millis();//how long has it been? if (elapsedTime > timetorun) {//if it's been 300 seconds, stop Serial.print("Elapsed time is over max run time. Max run time: "); Serial.println(timetorun); keepMoving = false; } }//end if }//end main loop void stopActuator() { analogWrite(PWMPinA1, 0); analogWrite(PWMPinB1, 0); // speed 0-255 } void pushActuator() { analogWrite(PWMPinA1, 255); analogWrite(PWMPinB1, 0); // speed 0-255 } void pullActuator() { analogWrite(PWMPinA1, 0); analogWrite(PWMPinB1, 255);//speed 0-255 }
This program can be use to continuously extend and retract the stroke of a linear actuator.
SETUP LOOP CODE void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second pinMode(out_lim, INPUT_PULLUP); // configures pin 45 as input pin pinMode(in_lim, INPUT_PULLUP); // configures pin 53 as input pin pinMode(run_f, OUTPUT); // configures pin 25 as output pin pinMode(run_r, OUTPUT); // configures pin 30 as output pin retract(); // retracts the stroke on startup delay(500); } void extend() // this function enables the motor to run { digitalWrite(run_f, LOW); digitalWrite(run_r, HIGH); } void retract() // this function reverses the direction of motor { digitalWrite(run_f, LOW); digitalWrite(run_r, LOW); } void run_stop() // this function disables the motor { digitalWrite(run_f, HIGH); digitalWrite(run_r, HIGH); } void loop() { int out_lim_state = digitalRead(out_lim); // reads the limit switches and saves its value int in_lim_state = digitalRead(in_lim); Serial.print("outer limit switch value "), Serial.println(out_lim_state); // 0 -> limit switch is pressed Serial.print("inner limit switch value "), Serial.println(in_lim_state); // 1 -> limit switch is not pressed if (out_lim_state == 0 && in_lim_state == 1) // if outer limit switch is pressed and inner is not (extended all the way) { retract(); // retract the stroke } else if (out_lim_state == 1 && in_lim_state == 0) // if inner limit switch is pressed and outer is not (reracted all the way) { extend(); // extend the stroke } else // otherwise do nothing { } delay(5); // delay in between reads for stability }